Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brett gives his teacher a "Pie in the Face"

Brett got to give his teacher a Pie in the Face! At carnival the opportunity to "Pie a Teacher" in the face is auctioned off. Brett won! This was started last year and has been a huge success ever since. The teachers use to volunteer to be dunked in a booth, but we switched it to this. With carnival in March, the weather in College Station is not always warm, so the teachers were very willing to change. To choose the teachers (victims) the willing teachers are listed and the kids donate money to the teacher they want auctioned off. Then the winning teachers are auctioned at carnival during the live auction. Brett's teacher, Mrs. Norton was one of the winners in the money raising. Then at carnival, Brett made to highest bid. The following Monday, he got to put a pie in her face! Remember, the pie is only wipped cream! I was suggesting a "facial" treatment in the pie!

Along with Brett's teacher, other teachers were auctioned as well. The principal and assistant principal also received a pie. The nurse and our new counselor also were auctioned off. They were wonderful sports. This is just one part of the carnival that helped raise money for the school. The carnival raised a total of over 57,000. Way to go Pebble Creek. I am very proud to help in this awsome fund raiser!