Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Play Ball!

Brett in now playing baseball. Fall Ball started Tuesday. He has had practice for the past few weeks, and his first game was this Tuesday night. During the fall, the season is shorter, only 5 weeks. Games are two times a week. Brett is on the Diamond Jacks. The league chose to use Minor League names. This is Brett getting ready to bat during the final inning. The game was very exciting. Brett's first. Here is the scoop. His first time to bat, he's ready, new batting helmet and everything. Brett is looking good! The first pitch, he tries to swings, but is hit in the chest by the ball. Mom was with Zach at soccer, Dad was watching and telling play by play to mom over the phone. Brett was down for a while, but tuffed it out and stood back up to finish his turn at bat. The next pitch, he swings, HITS, and makes it to first. Mom and Zach made it to the final inning of the game. Brett was up again. First pitch, he swings and misses. Then next, swings, bunts it and it rolls to the left. However, staying in field, by the time the catcher and pitcher decide that it is not a foul, Brett is on SECOND! Then the big news: while Brett was on third, the catcher bobbles the ball, and Brett STEALS HOME! His team did win, but Brett was the big winner because he did so well.