Saturday, July 31, 2010

Brett's Camping Tour of North America

Brett had a trip of a life time! He went with his boy scout troop to Washington DC. They visited Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas. They camped along the way and visited many historical markers, museums, and military bases. Brett has been wanting to go to DC for many, many years. He as always been very interested in history as well. So, there was never a doubt about him going or not, he was going no matter what. He loved it. During this trip, Brett was able to keep in contact with us. He talked to us almost every day, but def. did send text and pictures as well. One of Brett's "must see". I received a pic and text: "I didn't think it would be this big!" I did make sure to tell him to get more than just Abraham's legs in the picture.... At one of the military bases, Brett was able to see recreations of civil war battles. Brett and his troop at Mt. Vernon. He loved it. Brett was most excited about seeing the secrete passages that were shown in the movie National Treasure....

2010 Walker Family Reunion

My dad and his sisters. Aunt Dot (Dorothy) and Aunt Reba. Zach and some of his cousins at the creek. I remember the trip down to the pond to feed the ducks. That was one of the fun things I during the reunions when I was little. So neat to see my boys having some of the same wonderful experiences and memories. Zach walking in the creek to cool down... Hot summer days in San Saba Texas. Zach and little baby River. Sweet baby boy, Zach wanted to play with and hold him all day.

Zach's Baseball Birthday Bash...

Zach had a baseball bash! He has enjoyed going to see the local off season college team, The Bombers. He wanted his birthday party there! We loaded up some of his friends and took them to the ball park for some birthday fun. This is Zach's last big party too, so we did it up in style! From a special birthday plate, pre game picnic, special cake, long baseball game, special party favors and even autograph baseball favors, to a special night of memories. This was a wonderful way to celebrate a wonderful boy! Zach with the Bombers' mascot: Kaboom! During the game there are contest for the fans to do to win fun prizes. This is Zach doing the water balloon pants toss. He was catching the water balloons, and his friend Garrett what throwing them. Next to Zach was Jacob B. catching the balloons from Jacob P. Before the game Zach and his friends enjoyed a pre-game picnic. During the picnic, Kaboom and the Bombshells came by to visit Zach. They sang "Happy Birthday" to him and presented him with a hat autographed by the entire team! When choosing a cake, Zach fell in love with this one! He just had to have the cake with the stuffed baseball that had a bear inside! Zach, Garrett, and Adam enjoying the game. The party favors we gave the guest were these t-shirts! They boys loved them. I put their name on the front with their birthday number on the back! Cookie Monster has been a regular at the games this summer too. The game was a long one. It was not over till way late into the night. After the game the team was signing autographs! Each boy was given a baseball that said: "Zach's Baseball Birthday Bash" that they got signed. A great night for a birthday party!