Sunday, February 22, 2009

Junior Aggie Sports Clinic

The Aggie Athletics held a sports clinic before the Aggie vs tu basketball game. The different sports had stations the kids rotated through. They enjoyed swimming/diving, track/field, football, golf, basketball, volleyball and soccer. The aggies were great with the kids and they all had fun! Here is Brett trying on the official 12th man football gear. Doesn't he look great! They ran an obstacle course and practiced passing.

Zach got into gear, sort of. He would put on just the jersey. He still looks great in maroon! He ran the obstacle course and enjoyed throwing the ball into the trashcan!
My cute aggie!
The boys enjoyed different basketball drills. They are practicing dribbling skills with the players.
We stayed for the women's basketball game. They boys got with the Yell Leaders! How cool is this! Gig Em Ags!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Morning Assembly

Every day the school has morning assembly. This is where the school meets each morning to make announcements, say the pledges, and have the moment of silence. The different classes take turns during the year having assembly duty. Students have the chance to say the pledge, read the menu, start the moment of silence, or be a greeter at the door. Zach's class has had morning assembly duty this week. Today, he had the job of holding the US Flag. My little proud American!

Getting ready. His friend, Sydney, read the pledge. Mrs. Byrne is right there to help and offer support as needed. We love Mrs. Byrne!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sweet Valentines

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day. The boys each has fun class parties on Friday at school. They came home with lots of valentines from their friends. On Saturday, they woke up to find a box of candy and two Webkinz each. Brett got a baseball valentine full of candy, the buffalo webkinz and the love monkey too.

Zach got a soccer valentine with the love monkey and dragon webkinz.

Monday, February 2, 2009

House Progress

The house is coming along. The framers should be about done. The house is being painted. Now onto roof and insulation. Close up of the "front" of the house.

View from the road.

Monster Truck Show!

Time for Monster Trucks! The boys have been watching Monster Trucks on TV. They are loving it, they hop out of bed at the sound of it on TV. They have a favorite truck and driver. We did not know if we could make it after the pinewood derby or not, but got out just in time. We had to get what was left as far as seats, so they were on the highest deck. Great view, but very bad for someone as afraid of heights as I am. Had a blast. Doug and Zach ready for the show.

Laurie and the boys waiting for the next race! Go Grave Digger!
Zach showing off his new Grave Digger flag. Gotta show some love for our favorite truck!
What is better to celebrate after the Pinewood Derby, but, a Monster Truck Show, of course.
The boys. They were so happy to be there. To see it in person was more than they could have asked for. They were well behaved, at least for a short time.

Pinewood Derby Day!

Sat. was Brett's Pinewood Derby race. He was ready and excited. The Rocket I was ready for take off! Brett placed well. There was a total of 34 cars to race. Brett placed 8th over all. The cars were judged on design, paint, scout choice, and judges choice. Brett won "Best Design". Yea Brett. He really did design this car and did the majority of the work. Doug was there to supervise and keep Brett safe. No matter what, the two of them had fun together working at the shop.

This is the starting point on the track. Four cars race at a time. There was a total of 64 heats. Each car races in each lane.
Once the cars are checked in, weighed, and measured to meet requirements, you are not allowed to touch your car again! This is Brett's rocket after check in.
Here are Brett and Doug waiting to check in the Rocket.