Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School!

August 25: First day of school. Brett now in Fourth grade, Zach in First. I think I was giving them a bottle just yesterday! What happend? They are growing so fast. Both boys have wonderful teachers. We had "meet the teacher" last Friday. They are both very excitied and happy to go back to school. They love their teachers and both have some great friends in their classes. Each boy got a backpack and new lunch box for the year. So proud. Of course they walked themselves to class and didn't even hug/kiss me when I left. So grown up! (I did get a "high five")

Snake bite!

Gizmo was bitten by a copperhead snake on Sunday. Doug had found a small one last week while mowing. We have been on the watch out since. The neighbor even told us he has gotten a few since he has lived here. However, Gizmo being curious, of course would be the one to get bitten. He had been out during the late morning, did not bark to be let back in, so spent a few hours in the back yard. We are near a creek, it has been raining, and the back yard has a lot of leaves and even a large deck that the animals can get under. Brett had let Gizmo in, a little after lunch. A while later while in the bedroom, I noticed Gizmo looking funny. His cheeks were very large, like a squirrel with a years worth of nuts in them. I called the vet on call, then rushed him to the clinic. He got three shots: antibiotic, benadryl, and an anti-inflamatory. This picture was last night. The swelling has settled into his chin. He looks like he is carrying a ball under his chin. He will be ok! The swelling should be gone by Tuesday.