Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Recent Projects: Pine Wood Derby

Brett and his derby car. He is very proud. He placed 4th.

Brett's den: Bears. All with their cars and awards!

Brett and Doug worked hard on this car. Yes, Brett did most of the work. (he was not allowed to use the drill or saw). Brett made the car look like the Black Pearl (of course). He even had a Jack driving the car. He and Doug enjoyed working on this together. He did well, and is looking forward to improving his design for next year.

Recent projects: Class Plate for Carnival

Class Plate for Zach's kindergarten class
At the school carnival the kinder. and 4th grade classes have plates that get auctioned off. Mom's paint them. Each plate has a "personal" touch from the kids. It can be either a name, fingerprint, or a picture the kids made. They can have the same theme as the carnival, be something specific for the class or teacher, or just something special for that particular class. This year I painted the plate for Zach's class. What a major project. Lots of fun. I lost count of the hours in it, but enjoyed every bit of it. This year's carnival theme is "Fun and Games at Pebble Creek". If you can't tell, the plate theme is a game: Hi Ho Cherry-O. Thought appropritate for a kinder. class. The kids each did fingerpints as cherries. The plates will go on display at the school this week. The carnival is March 1. All beware, Laurie has her eye on this one and wallet is ready! I have even signed up to paint Brett's 4th grade plate for next year.
close up of detail on plate. Yes Laurie did this, believe it or not. I could not believe it even as I was doing it. Very proud.

Back of plate.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Our Disney Trip

Epcot...... Beautiful at night.

Tree in front of Epcot

In front of the Castle. very pretty for christmas.

At the Magic Kingdom

Animal Kingdom, Brett's birthday

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Laurie and Buzz at MGM

Brett and Zach with Woody at MGM

Actors at MGM: they did a show in the middle

of the street. Very funny, interactive, and great.

At the All Star Movie resort: Brett on "B"

Zach on "Z"...of course.


We saw the Oscars that Disney has won over the years.

Best character meal: Ohana with Stitch

The two best men at Disney!

Crystal Palace with Pooh and Friends... my favoite: Tigger!

Zach and his favorite: Lightning McQueen!

Brett and Mater at MGM

My Pirates.... the sign says it all......

You can't leave Disney without riding the Tea Cups!

At our resort: All Star Sports. Cute statue.

At MGM: Star Tours, boys even got to do the

Jedi training Academy and fight Darth Vador!

To my shock: Brett did not say yes when asked to

join the dark side, I just knew he would want to be with Anikin.

The tree in front of Animal Kingdom. Each park had a huge tree beautifully decorated.